The World Health Organization (WHO), produced a study ranking health care by country. Can you guess where the US ranks? In overall medical care, the US ranks # 37, just under C...
Thursday, July 28, 2011 - by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - Editor of Ever wonder what'sreallyin the food sold at grocery stores around the world? People keep asking me, "What i...
Organic coffee enemas are prescribed at many holistic clinics. They are simple to do at home. Use only organic coffee (not decaf). Make a pot of coffee – two tablespoons to 8 c...
Among many other cancer causing products commonly found in the home, this dirty dozen list has made it to the Hall of Shame. The Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) and Ralph Nader have released a "Dirt...
Dr. Duane Graveline, MD, MPH, is a former NASA astronaut and has authored several books on the dangers of statins. He offers clinics proof that statin drugs can cause prostate cancer, memory los...