Alternative Cancer Treatment News

Cancer treatment news, articles and information

Choosing The Right Cancer Clinic

Choosing a clinic is a lot like choosing a spouse. You want a clinic that is caring, loyal, trustworthy, smart, attractive and successful. You need to feel a ‘connection’ in order to put your trust and your life in a medical team. 

When a patient is seeking natural cancer treatment, they have a world of options. There are hundreds of websites touting everything from radio wave hyperthermia to stem cells to cancer vaccines. There are small private clinics and there are large modern hospitals. When you are faced with a life-threatening disease, the stress of finding the right treatment center can be just overwhelming. 

When a patient calls us, we will ask many questions about the diagnosis, what has been done so far, and where they have been treated. We want to know about cancer diets they are following, family support, what type of facility would make them feel comfortable. After 20 years in this field, we have learned what things are important to a patients comfort and successful treatment. 

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22 May 2018
The combination of immunotherapy with hyperthermia for treating cancer has been shown to have significant clinical effects. The accepted view of the cancer-host immune interface is that tumors possess unique antigens that can be recognized by the imm...
28 March 2018
BECOMING REAL: RECLAIMING YOUR HEALTH IN MIDLIFE  •   Learn more about Dr. Kumar's Innovative approach to midlife  •   This book is packed with information about what happens to your body in midlife and how to care for y...
28 March 2018
Roaches and ants won’t eat it, cats and dogs won’t eat it, even house flies won’t eat it — but the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) serves Aspartame to you with their approval and the approval of the Monsanto Chemical Company.  The FDA and the...
28 March 2018
The New York Times - By DENISE GRADYMARCH 17, 2015  Breast biopsies are good at telling the difference between healthy tissue and cancer, but less reliable for identifying more subtle abnormalities, a new study finds.  Because of the uncert...
28 March 2018
Cancer is almost always diagnosed by biopsy, a surgical procedure that removes tissue samples from tumors.  The samples are viewed under a microscope by a pathologist to determine the presence and type of cancer. Studies are proving that biopsie...

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28 March 2018
BECOMING REAL: RECLAIMING YOUR HEALTH IN MIDLIFE  •   Learn more about Dr. Kumar's Innovative approach to midlife  •   This book is packed with information about what hap...
28 March 2018
Thursday, July 28, 2011 - by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - Editor of  Ever wonder what'sreallyin the food sold at grocery stores around the world? People keep asking me, "What i...
28 March 2018
Daily News, August 2012  Long considered the most effective cancer-fighting treatment, chemotherapy may actually make cancer worse, according to a new study. The extremely aggressive therapy, whi...
28 March 2018
The World Health Organization (WHO), produced a study ranking  health care  by country.  Can you guess where the US ranks?  In overall medical care, the US ranks # 37, just under C...
28 March 2018
Cancer is almost always diagnosed by biopsy, a surgical procedure that removes tissue samples from tumors.  The samples are viewed under a microscope by a pathologist to determine the presence an...

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