Alternative Cancer Treatment News

Cancer treatment news, articles and information


(Natural News, March 2013) 

According to an article by Ethan Evers, oligosaccharides from apples killed up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells in vitro, and outperformed the most commonly used chemo drug by a wide margin at every dose level tested. 

Unlike toxic chemo drugs, oligosaccharides are natural, health-promoting compounds widely present in fruits and vegetables.

Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related death for women worldwide, the 3rd for men. Commonly used chemo drugs for colon cancer not only have limited success, they produce serious side effects, such as coronary spasm, neurotoxicity, anemia and immunosuppression.

Apples are the most widely consumed fruit in many countries, and have already demonstrated activity against breast, ovarian, lung, liver and colon cancer. The oligosaccharides used in the study can be cheaply produced from apple pomace – a widely available waste product left over from the apple juice processing industry.

Oligosaccharides occur naturally in many fruits, vegetables and algae as well as in honey and milk. They have been shown to promote healthy intestinal flora, control blood sugar and modulate the immune system. Commercially produced apple juice contains virtually no oligosaccharides and provides only about 10% of any health giving substances compared to raw apples.

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